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Solar Rebate FAQs

How to get your huge up front solar discount.

Under the Australian Federal Government’s solar rebate, you’ll receive a number of ‘small-scale technology certificates’ (STCs) which your installer will use to apply your discount. The number of STCs you receive comes down to a few things:

Where You Live:

Australian postcodes are split into 4 ‘STC zones.’

Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3 and Zone 4.

These zones are based on the amount of daylight a location receives. The more sun light, the more incentive there is to install solar, the greater the discount.

Someone installing a 6.6kW solar system in Alice Springs (Zone 1) will enjoy a greater discount than someone installing in Hobart (Zone 4), for example.

System Size:

The more solar you throw on your roof, the more power it’s going to produce. As a result you can expect more STCs and more money back when you install.

It’s true what they say:

Big system: Big discount.

Installation Year:

The number of STCs awarded decreases January 1st each year, with the scheme ceasing entirely at the end of 2030.

The sooner you install the better. Make sure you have your supplier and install date lined up ASAP.

The long answer:

Your Federal solar rebate depends on

  1. The size of the system installed
  2. Your postcode
  3. How soon you install

Do your own calculations and get an exact figure.

The short answer: In 2023, most Aussies can expect to receive $2,736 towards a 6.6kW solar system (Australia’s most popular system size) from the Federal government as an upfront discount. If you live in VIC that jumps to $3,756 thanks to additional state rebates.

The STC Rebate drops at the end of the year so get your system now or risk paying more.

Through the The Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) the Australian Federal Government awards homeowners who install a solar system a given number of ‘small-scale technology certificates, or ‘STCs’ for short.

The NUMBER of STCs you receive is pretty much set, and depends on:

  1. Your system size
  2. The year you install, and;
  3. Your location

The VALUE of these STCs isn’t set. That’s because STCs are traded, kind of like shares, and what they’re worth is set by the market. This value can go up and down.

You don’t need to worry about all this too much!

Your rebate is usually claimed by your installer on your behalf and passed on in the form of a discount applied at time of purchase.

In 2023 STCs are currently valued around $38 each, but have traded as low as $17. Get your system in now to lock in that STC rate!

There’s 3 ways your STC rebate can drop:

  1. The value of STCs being traded on the market falls,
  2. The Australian Federal Government changes their policy around STC rebates, and;
  3. You wait until 2024 to install.

If you want ensure you get the most STCs possible for your system then get 3 quotes now and install your system before the end of the year.

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